J.J. Jackson Interview
Music Television VJ

Since MTV (Music Television) was launched in the Summer of '81, it's populari­ty has grown steadily. Along with the rise in popularity of videos, has come a new star - The Video Jock.

In town for a promotional stop, we had the opportunity to speak with MTV Video Jock --J.J. Jackson.

Q. Why did it take so long for someone to come up with the idea of MTV?
A. I don't know if the idea itself is so exclusive. I didn't find the idea in itself such a unique thing truthfully. I just think to come up with the 20 million dollars it takes to launch it, is something.

Q. We hear all the time, "MTV sells records." How important of a role do you think the video jock plays in selling records?
A. I think to a certain degree. I wouldn't know just how important, but I think to a certain degree. I believe, if say a viewer likes me and likes what I have to say and feels I have some sort of credibility and if I say something about a record, they might listen up for it.I believe it's still gonna be basically what they see and hear, as far as what MTV is showing and what they hear on the radio as well. If I can state that "Men At Work's" album is good beyond the three videos you see on MTV, and it is, I think that, that might have some impact, exactly how much, I don't know.

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